Sensitive cityscape preservation at the Munich Theatine Church
blowUP media covered the Munich Theatine Church with an approx. 1,200 m² facade replica that combined classic fresco painting with photo-realistic replicas. With this spatial work of art, the renovation work on the famous sight of the Bavarian capital during the monument renovation was well concealed. So the cityscape could be preserved and tourists can continue to enjoy the popular sight.
A 120 m² advertising space was also integrated into the replica of the facade. Advertisers such as Marc O’Polo, Timberland, Huawei, Telekom, Tommy Hilfiger and Apple exclusively placed their advertising campaigns here, they became part of the well-known collegiate church and were able to present their brand in a unique way around the popular Odeonsplatz.
Katrin Robertson, CEO blowUP media: “Everyone benefits here. The Theatine Church is a figurehead of the city of Munich and an elementary part of the Odeonsplatz. It would be unthinkable for visitors and residents of the city as well as for those responsible for the church to see an open construction site there for a long time. Our facade replica with selected advertising preserves the cityscape during the entire time and helps with the refinancing of the monument renovation.”