This website is administered by BlowUP media GmbH based in Cologne. BlowUP media GmbH is the owner of this website and its content. By using it, you agree to the terms of use listed below.
All rights to this website and its content belong to BlowUP media GmbH or third parties who have given BlowUP media GmbH permission to use the relevant content. Usage licenses of any kind are only granted in writing. Brands (wordmarks and / or figurative marks), including logos, slogans and product names are registered or unregistered rights that either belong to BlowUP media GmbH or may be used by BlowUP media GmbH. The publication of the contents of this website takes place with express reservation of all copyright rights. You can use these pages to obtain information about BlowUP media GmbH, its subsidiaries and partners as well as about the products. Any use that is not related to the business activity of BlowUP media GmbH, runs counter to this activity or is likely to cause damage to it, is expressly prohibited. In particular, it is prohibited to use information on this site about products (locations, advertising media, advertising banners, attachment techniques, attachment options, prints, price information, etc.) for the purpose of commercial exploitation for customers or potential customers of BlowUP media GmbH. The protection registered here also applies to individual parts of this website (e.g. information sheets, rate cards, images and videos) and to alienations of parts of this website (e.g. graphically processed images downloaded from this page).
In the event of duplication of this website or parts of this website, alienation or incorporation into new forms of presentation, the written approval of BlowUP media GmbH must be obtained and this must always be in the form of “Source:” and “© BlowUP media GmbH “as the source.
You are not permitted to make changes to this website and / or its content without the express written consent of BlowUP media GmbH; in particular, you are not permitted to create a link by means of a frame, a link or any other way and / or that to change the external appearance of the website or parts of this website. In particular, it is forbidden to link this website or parts of this website to other third-party websites. Any existing links on this website are provided for your convenience only. Please note that when you use these links you leave the BlowUP media GmbH website. Accordingly, BlowUP media GmbH has no influence whatsoever on the content of the website opened via the link and assumes no liability for damage caused by opening and viewing this website or by downloading or other use of the content. If links from the website of a third party lead to the website of BlowUP media GmbH, this does not mean that BlowUP media GmbH has consented to the content of the website of a third party or is responsible for it. We expressly accept no liability whatsoever for damage resulting from opening and viewing this website or from downloading or other use of the content. The aforementioned exclusions of liability do not apply to damage caused intentionally or through gross negligence by BlowUP media GmbH.
BlowUP media GmbH takes the greatest possible care to ensure that the information on the website is correct, complete and up-to-date. Nevertheless, BlowUP media GmbH recommends checking the accuracy of the information before using it. BlowUP media GmbH assumes no liability for the content of this website, nor for damage caused by viewing, downloading or using this website, unless these were caused intentionally or through gross negligence by BlowUP media GmbH. All information on this website is purely for information and should not be understood as an offer. All information is subject to change.
To order written information, to be included in our newsletter or when using the online contact form, it is necessary that you provide us with the personal information requested on the website. BlowUP media GmbH stores this data in order to be able to process your request. BlowUP media GmbH will use this data confidentially and only make it available to third parties to the extent that this is absolutely necessary for the implementation of the aforementioned purposes. You can inquire about the data stored about you from us. You have the right to request that we block, correct or delete your data at any time. Further information can be found in our data protection declaration.
Account holders have access to confidential business information on this website, which is why the creation of an account is reserved for customers of blowUP media GmbH. Opening an account is only possible with the consent of blowUP media GmbH. The consent can be revoked at any time without giving reasons and the account can be deactivated. The use of the account is only permitted as long as the account holder is in a business relationship with blowUP media or works for a company that does business with blowUP media GmbH. The content and information made available via the account (e.g. rate card information and images) may not be passed on to third parties without the consent of blowUP media GmbH and may only be used to initiate contracts between the account holder and blowUP media GmbH. Use for other purposes is excluded. Account holders are obliged to keep the usage and access authorizations and passwords assigned to them secret, to protect them from access by third parties and not to pass them on to unauthorized users. These data are to be protected by suitable and customary measures. The account holder will notify blowUP media GmbH immediately if there is a suspicion that the access data and / or passwords may have become known to third parties and will immediately take suitable protective measures themselves. The general terms and conditions of the blowUP Group remain unaffected.
The use of dispatch and entry forms, in particular the “recommend page” function as well as other forms, feedback and order options as well as newsletters on the website is the responsibility of the user. By sending the message / information or using the respective function, the user assumes responsibility for the content of the message / information sent by him as well as for the target addresses and target contacts selected by him and relieves blowUP media of the rights of third parties for those of him sent messages as well as the addresses written by him free.
The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies to any legal disputes that arise due to the use of the website and / or its functions. The agreed place of jurisdiction is Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia.