Vodafone's GigaKombi campaign becomes an augmented reality experience on Giant Posters

Giant Posters + Mobile: the dream duo opens the doors to an immersive brand experience


The recipe for an interactive campaign that literally immerses the target group in the brand world is very simple. Vodafone proves this impressively in its current Giant Poster campaign: take three high-impact Giant Posters in the shopping streets of Hamburg, Frankfurt and Stuttgart, which boldly invite the target group to scan a QR code via smartphone. Now things get exciting, because with the QR code the target group enters a virtual world and experiences the brand as a 360-degree experience. The magic word here: Augmented Reality (AR).


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With AR we experience our world as a physical reality that is expanded with digital elements. These can be seen as soon as you turn on the camera. Now you can literally overcome the physical limits of the Giant Poster and experience interactively which Vodafone products are part of the GigaKombi campaign. At the same time, you automatically take part in a competition and can win a smartphone, laptop or television – matching the GigaKombi products for mobile communications, internet and TV.

For its interactive campaign, Vodafone relies on the unbeatable power of the dream duo “Giant Poster + Mobile”. Our emotionalizing medium, placed at the best shopping locations in the city, meets the sought-after target group of young trendsetters, shopping fans and young professionals: out and about and always with their cell phones at the ready. As an unmissable source of inspiration, our analogue Giant Posters activate the target group and open the door to the digital world via mobile.

With its innovative campaign, Vodafone creates maximum awareness and an interactive brand experience. Here the viewer is literally drawn into a new world and and turns from a passive observer into an active participant in the campaign.

Frankfurt | Zeil 57

Stuttgart | Königstrasse